


We pride ourselves on being more than just another consultancy firm. We offer a niche service and go beyond what you would expect from a standard advisory firm. Coming with years of proactive experience in the healthcare sector, we have a deep understanding of its intricacies and complexities.

Having been at the forefront of working with a wide range of clients, we deliver tangible results. Our team is made up of individuals who have worked in various areas of the NHS Supply Chain, including former executives and subject matter experts in government procurement and NHS Supply Chain Operations. Most importantly at Epscot;

We Understand the Opportunities
Having established the pre-eminent end-to-end health supply chain which covered £6bn spend over a vast range of hospital consumables, ranging from syringes to bandages to MRI scanners to logistics services purchased by central category towers and localised procurement teams in the 242 NHS Trusts as well as the 42 Integrated Care System organisations.
We Know the Landscape
We have worked across a whole range of product introductions, from innovations via the Health Tech Connect and Accelerated Access Programmes, piloting and delivering Value Based Procurement processes (13 successful national projects in 2019) and overseeing the standard framework procurement processes. Our team is uniquely equipped to navigate the complex landscape of the healthcare industry and provide our clients with a comprehensive solution.

Market Access

Market Access

We offer end-to-end management of the public procurement process, ensuring our clients’ seamless journey from understanding the landscape to expert guidance on engaging with upcoming contracts and frameworks.

Social Value

Social Value

At Epscot we offer a solution that helps achieve a high standard of Social Value readiness for winning Public Procurement contracts.

Public Sector Logistics

Public Sector Logistics

Through expertise developed by work on the NHS operating model, Brexit, and Covid 19 planning, we build robust solutions for challenges faced by public sector bodies.

Venture Capital & Private Equity

Venture Capital & Private Equity

We have deep health sector experience and specialised knowledge in key areas such as supply chain management, suppliers to health, buying behaviours and decision drivers of the NHS (cost drivers / purchasing KPIs and KOLs).

Foreign Government Health Supply Chains

Foreign Government Health Supply Chains

We offer comprehensive services to help countries develop world-class health supply chain models.



Social Value was a new model for us and understanding it was vital to effectively describe our strengths and identify any significant gaps. The Epscot Social Value team supported us through accelerated understanding and deployment of Social Value, translating very complex guidance into an easy-to-understand concept via their tools and templates.

The importance of understanding our true impact in today’s world is crucial and Epscot helped us to achieve this, for which we are already realising benefits across the business.



The UK government’s application of Social Value was a new model for us, understanding it was vital to effectively describe our strengths and determine our route map to achieving the ISO26000 standard. As well as being the right thing to do, the application of ISO26000 is increasingly viewed as a way of assessing an organisation’s commitment to its community and sustainability and its overall performance.

Epscot assisted us all the way in this journey. Their Social Value team supported us through accelerated understanding and deployment of Social Value, translating this very complex guidance into an easy-to-understand ongoing working practice via their all-encompassing methodology. With their full engagement and help, we have achieved recognition of this standard quickly and we are now leading the way to new levels of social responsibility.



The importance of understanding our Social Value impact in the UK is vital, and Epscot’s Tool has helped us translate how it applies to our business. The online Social Value Tool allowed us to accelerate our understanding, identify our strengths and determine opportunities for future improvements. Without a doubt, it is easy to use, good value, and a great help for SMEs.

P3 Medical


The Social Value model is complex, and as a supplier to the NHS, we sought external guidance to understand it thoroughly. Working closely with the experts at Epscot has helped us key strengths and areas for improvement in the Social Value arena.

In parallel, with the application of ISO 26000 being viewed as a leading way of assessing an organisation’s commitment to its community, sustainability, and overall performance, Epscot helped us determine our route map to attaining this benchmark. The Epscot team assisted us all the way through the implementation of a Social Value Framework and the journey of achieving ISO 26000 recognition.

The importance of understanding and evidencing our social impact is crucial, and we have already started seeing the benefits of having our social value investments laid out in a logical and transparent way.

Kristian Howells, Group Commercial Director UK/ROI, Medtronic Limited

